Tuesday 26 February 2019

Monday 25th February - Our last day in Mafambisa

Day 9 - Monday 25 Feb

Helping to prepare lunch at the Care Point
which is based at a local church
Today, the group woke up early again for the weekly Hands at Work prayer meeting at 8 o`clock. We then headed back to Mafambisa for our final day there; when we arrived we helped wash up the utensils used the previous day. After that we all gathered in a circle, sang some songs and then got into our groups for our Holy Home Visits.

[They are called 'Holy' home visits as part of the aim is to help the people being visited know that God cares for them,  During the visit the volunteer care workers listen to the concerns of the people in the home and will then ask pray with the family asking for God's help - often the care workers  will have a sense of God guiding them about possible support the family might need or how they can be helped further... the visits are Holy because Hands at Work believe God is present as well as the care workers.]

On one of the home visits we met a young man called Jack* who was the leader of his household, he had a sister who was very ill and he was looking after her two children. We later found out that his ‘last dream’ was to be a hip hop music artist, however he never had enough time as he was always running the house. We believe he has a lot of potential as a young man and has a chance to have a great life.

We also met another Gogo called Samantha*. She looked after her grand children and her great grand children in her small house. Her son had died meaning that she had to head up an extremely large family. One of the saddest things that she told us was, because her son and his wife had died without official papers, their children had no papers to get work. The lack of papers also meant that her great grand children would soon be forced out of school, leaving them with an uncertain future. This was one of the most moving visits that we have been on throughout our time here.

On the next home visit we met a boy who was 15 years old and his sister who was 22, the mother had left to go to Swaziland and the father had passed away. The older sister had a one year old son who was very happy and spent the whole time playing. However, the boy was not so happy, he had been kicked out of school because he didn’t have a south African birth certificate and therefore was no longer in education. Because of this, he was extremely bored and had spent every day since January doing nothing. His past times were spent at the care point with his few friends.

We continued the day with playing with the children; we did crafts like painting and colouring as well as making paper aeroplanes. An amazing end to our final care point experience! J 

*names have been changed

By Nick, Joseph, Connor and Florie

At a Holy Home Visit

Making new friends

Lunch is served

A tasty shared lunch!