Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Care Worker Appreciation Day in Mafambisa - Wednesday 26 February

Care Worker Appreciation Day in Mafambisa

Today was the team's last day to visit the Care Point in Mafambisa.  Over recent days the team had witnessed some of the remarkable care and love which is offered by the volunteer Care Workers to the most vulnerable children in the community of Mafambisa.  So we were glad to have the opportunity to day to offer some care, love and affirmation to the Care Workers themselves

Isabelle Munnelly writes...  
Today, the team held a Care Worker Appreciation Day. This involved the team providing activities and treats for the Care Worker and this included things like nail painting, foot-washing, foot/hand massages, bracelet making and prayer sessions. This gave the Care Workers the rare opportunity to spend time relaxing with each other whilst enjoying some snacks. (You might think of it as a bit of a 'spa day' for them).  Additionally, it allowed us to show our gratitude for the welcoming environment they have created and the welcome they have extended to us.  Their special day was rounded off with a photo-shoot from Mr Leonard, who had brought a Polaroid camera which gave them an instant photo... which they loved.

We had been given toiletries by friends and supporters at home (Thank you for these items!)  and used them to make small gift bags for each care worker for them to take home, along with with a card for each of them which all the team had signed.  For the rest of the day we cherished the final moments we had the the children, eventually saying our final goodbyes and heading away.
Isabelle Munnelly

The Care Point feeding programme still took place today, so the children still had their meal, but it was cooked by some of the Hands at Work Service Team.  Their normal role is to support the Care Workers in a number of different communities, but just for today, several of them came to Mafambisa to free up the Care Workers  so that they could enjoy their Appreciation Day.

After the appreciation activities, we were able to share a meal with the children and enjoy some final games.  

All the team were sad to leave the children at the Care Point and it was difficult to say goodbye, not just because of language problems... We now have a fuller knowledge of some of the struggles which all the children face.  Knowing that they return to such difficult lives as they leave the Care Point is hard, but it is comforting for us to know that they are being wonderfully looked after at the Care Point by the Care Workers we have tried to thank and appreciate today.

Richard Westwood
On behalf of the team