Tuesday 28 February 2023

Leaving Hands at Work and arriving at Mercy Air

Today was the last day at Hands at Work. We were joined by Jen, Dan, Virginia, Audres and Prag for our final debrief, which was very eye opening. We talked about what was good on the trip and what we found more challenging, and the experiences we faced over the week. 
We also talked about the community that Hands at Work has and how nice it is to be a part of it for just a short time. We than went down to the gift shop to buy souvenirs and say our goodbyes to everyone.

Then we went to a restaurant near White River for lunch before going on the road to Mercy Air.  
We arrived at Mercy Air and were met by Janet, who showed us around our accommodation and we settled in. After a few of us went in the pool or played squash, we enjoyed a meal of pizzas followed by cake and spent the evening chatting and making each other laugh.

Tomorrow will be our last full day in South Africa. We have chance to look around the Mercy Air facilities and  will be given a talk about the work of Mercy Air. 
