Friday 17 August 2018

The Link for Life Trustee Team arrive in South Africa

Hello all,
We would like to take the time to introduce ourselves.
Pictured left to right is: Stacy, Christine, Laura and Simon.
We finally arrived at Johannesburg this morning after our looooong ten and a half hour flight. We then headed straight for the apartheid museum.   
The Apartheid Museum tells the history of the segregation in South Africa from the 1890s through Codesa agreement in 1994.  It is a fascinating experience including a mix of exhibitions, films, archive material, art installations and, perhaps the most moving, the recreation of the solitary confinement cells.
Some of the group found the experience overwhelming and for others it was a reminder of the news stories they had seen a child.  However, there was hope through the process of the truth and reconciliation commission and the work that continues today. 
Our driver Bruce told us that he was one of the young boys running behind Nelson Mandela when he toured Soweto soon after his release.
We then returned to the airport to liaise with Chasetown team to wish them a good journey home and then jump their mini-bus for the five-hour journey to Hands at Work. Half way we stopped at Alzu for a quick break where we were able to see a watering hole used by rhinos and impalas sheltering under a clump of trees.
Darkness fell at approx. 6pm and we met up with Richard who showed us the way from White River to the Hands at Work Hub. We were met by Angie (one of our Hosts) who showed us to our rooms.
We do not start our mission trip until Monday officially, so we can spend the weekend becoming accustomed to the area, getting to know the other people here.
Please pray for us in what is sure to be a moving experience.